Hi there!
I fell off the blogging wagon again for a bit. It seems my family doesn't want me to blog (or journal or write or sew or practice yoga or...), or at least that's my excuse. The truth is I need to adapt my routine if I want to fit these things in. The girls are now home with me all day, every day, and we are keeping ourselves rather busy and entertained. They aren't enrolled in any summer camps. Aside from the occasional longings I have for time to get things done, I'm pretty happy about this. Next year, Stephanie will be in kindergarten. The year after that, "real" school. I won't wish this time away (even when I have to remind myself that should be my mantra).
Did you get up to anything fun over the weekend?
In the States, we celebrated the 4th of July on Thursday. That made a four day weekend for lots of people, thankfully including Hubby. We postponed our anniversary dinner from Monday to Thursday, enjoying a super-simple meal and a beautiful bottle of Prosecco
(grazie, Andrea!) on our back patio while the girls ran amok with the visiting grandchildren next door.
We spent a big part of Friday hanging out at the mall, in typical American holiday fashion. Alas, I hate hanging out at the mall, but it had to be done. We had finally purchased a new desktop, and its set-up had been a debacle. It was visit #3 to the Apple Store, and we weren't leaving the mall until it was finished. Since the Apple Store has a kids' table with tons of fun apps loaded onto iPads, the girls didn't mind one bit. When we were finally free (with a high-functioning desktop, hooray!), we all headed to the pool. Ellie braved her deep water test and passed with flying colours! Being the pool, I hadn't brought my camera. I wish I could have captured the look of pride and accomplishment on her sweet face.
Saturday, we took a day trip to Presque Isle, which will get its own blog post, so watch for that!
Yesterday, we had friends over all day while their parents finished some very important DIY work at home. Hilarious creek play at the playground led to bathtime and fresh clothes. Lots of imaginative play around the house. When the squabbles set in and the rain clouds threatened outside, we took them all bowling, where we learned the invaluable lesson of "When bowling with four children 7 and under, insist on 2 lanes." Of all the funny moments there, my favorite was when our friend Jo laid on the floor flat on her belly and pushed her ball with all her might right into the bumper. It bounced across to the other bumper, back again and lost all momentum, eeking its way down the lane so slowly that other bowlers stopped to stare. We all wondered if it would reach the end on its own. Minutes later, it did. The bowling computer clocked its speed at 0.4 miles per hour. Awesome.
Happy Monday, y'all!