Monday, February 18, 2013

Riding with the Muses

ready to roll!

Once again, I rolled with the Krewe of Muses in New Orleans Mardi Gras. Oh my word.  How to describe so much fun?  It was such a blast and happened so fast somehow that I hardly took any pictures.  I was on the top deck this time, so taking pictures was a bit less obvious.  Throwing beads and fun goodies like it was going out of style, however, was incredibly obvious.

plush throws at the ready

shoe bracelets galore

The best way to describe riding with the Muses is like having a fabulous party with your girlfriends that is so incredibly fun that half the city and a legion of tourists come too.  Making it even better this year were the 610 Stompers right behind our float.  They kept me laughing and dancing all along the ride.  We got a late start this year, but the crowds stayed for us.  As I mentioned in my brief post, people lined the streets from start to finish.  There wasn't a single place that was thinned out.  Miraculously, this was the first year I didn't run out of throws, so I actually had something good for people at the very end.

When we returned home, there were class presentations for the girls.  Their classmates loved the stories and the costume, but especially loved light-up throws and other beads we brought back to share.  The homemade King Cake went over very well too!

in costume

King Cake

Another Mardi Gras over for the year, but this one was full of firsts.  The first Mardi Gras for the girls.  The first time my little family all saw me on a float.  The first time my girls attended any Mardi Gras parades (which they declared the best thing ever).  The first weekend they spent in New Orleans.  The first time they ate beignets (pronounced "ben-yays").  The first visit to NOLA lasting more than a day for my husband, who hadn't been there much since Katrina.  The first time our dear friends who still live there were able to meet both of our girls.  The first time those friends came to the parade to see me ride.

first beignets

And we get to do it all again next year!

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