Friday, April 19, 2013


I find myself scanning familiar blogs more and more frequently these days, alas, to less and less satisfaction (sigh).  With a few notable exceptions, daily blogging has fallen out of habit (including my own, I know).  As someone who moves (house, state, country...) more often than the average, I have discovered and appreciated blogs as an online network of lovely women I can check in with each day for inspiration or a laugh or a story.  These days especially, I appreciate the peacefulness and beauty shared by Alicia or the creativity and gentleness found in Meg's posts.

Of course, the real trouble is I miss my true friends far away, separated by too many miles, too many hours of time difference, too much busyness in our lives to connect the way we might like across the distance.  Reading a blog is a simple way to touch base with another human when we have just a few moments when there are no children or miscellaneous bits of work commandeering our attention.  More often than not, someone has shared something I may not have found otherwise, something fun or fashionable or perhaps moving and inspiring.  Today, I found one of those things, and I'd like to share it with you.

Wishing you a lovely weekend!

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