Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fun with frosting

cupcakes with coloured stars

This weekend, I baked an excessively complex recipe for double chocolate cupcakes (from the Miette cookbook).  You know the kind of recipe that requires you to separately prepare ingredients into 5 bowls and gradually add bits of each into the running KitchenAid (and don't even dare attempt it without a KitchenAid, lest ye be deemed unworthy)?  I had to know what all the fuss was about.  Well, it turns out that recipe is pretty darned fantastic (alas!).  The batter was like chocolate pudding, and the cupcakes...de-lish!

When you have such fabulous cupcakes as these, the frosting is not overly important (not that kids believe this).  I just made up a basic American buttercream (butter and powdered sugar) and piped it on top.  Of course, I couldn't leave well enough alone.  I dripped 3 different colours of liquid food colouring down different sides of the piping bag before filling it with the frosting.

  multi-coloured buttercream

The result, when swirled, was fairly weird, but it looked awesome when just piped into stars.

cupcake fun

Wouldn't you know the kids sulk about having to eat the plain white ones I made first?  Don't make that mistake at home.

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